data Gift Source #
Describes a gift that can be sent to another user
Unique identifier of the gift
The sticker representing the gift
Number of Telegram Stars that must be paid for the gift
Number of Telegram Stars that can be claimed by the receiver instead of the regular gift by default. If the gift was paid with just bought Telegram Stars, then full value can be claimed
Number of Telegram Stars that must be paid to upgrade the gift; 0 if upgrade isn't possible
True, if the gift is a birthday gift
Number of remaining times the gift can be purchased by all users; 0 if not limited or the gift was sold out
Number of total times the gift can be purchased by all users; 0 if not limited
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the gift was send for the first time; for sold out gifts only
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the gift was send for the last time; for sold out gifts only
Defined in TD.Data.Gift
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Gift #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Gift] #
showsPrec :: Int -> Gift -> ShowS #
show :: Gift -> String #
showList :: [Gift] -> ShowS #
(==) :: Gift -> Gift -> Bool #
(/=) :: Gift -> Gift -> Bool #
shortShow :: Gift -> String Source #