data Sticker Source #
Describes a sticker
Unique sticker identifier within the set; 0 if none
Identifier of the sticker set to which the sticker belongs; 0 if none
Sticker width; as defined by the sender
Sticker height; as defined by the sender
Emoji corresponding to the sticker
Sticker format
Sticker's full type
Sticker thumbnail in WEBP or JPEG format; may be null
File containing the sticker
Defined in TD.Data.Sticker
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Sticker #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Sticker] #
showsPrec :: Int -> Sticker -> ShowS #
show :: Sticker -> String #
showList :: [Sticker] -> ShowS #
(==) :: Sticker -> Sticker -> Bool #
(/=) :: Sticker -> Sticker -> Bool #
shortShow :: Sticker -> String Source #