Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data GetStoryInteractions Source #

Returns interactions with a story. The method can be called only for stories posted on behalf of the current user. Returns StoryInteractions




  • story_id :: Maybe Int

    Story identifier

  • query :: Maybe Text

    Query to search for in names, usernames and titles; may be empty to get all relevant interactions

  • only_contacts :: Maybe Bool

    Pass true to get only interactions by contacts; pass false to get all relevant interactions

  • prefer_forwards :: Maybe Bool

    Pass true to get forwards and reposts first, then reactions, then other views; pass false to get interactions sorted just by interaction date

  • prefer_with_reaction :: Maybe Bool

    Pass true to get interactions with reaction first; pass false to get interactions sorted just by interaction date. Ignored if prefer_forwards == true

  • offset :: Maybe Text

    Offset of the first entry to return as received from the previous request; use empty string to get the first chunk of results

  • limit :: Maybe Int

    The maximum number of story interactions to return