Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data DownloadFile Source #

Downloads a file from the cloud. Download progress and completion of the download will be notified through updateFile updates. Returns File




  • file_id :: Maybe Int

    Identifier of the file to download

  • priority :: Maybe Int

    Priority of the download (1-32). The higher the priority, the earlier the file will be downloaded. If the priorities of two files are equal, then the last one for which downloadFile/addFileToDownloads was called will be downloaded first

  • offset :: Maybe Int

    The starting position from which the file needs to be downloaded

  • limit :: Maybe Int

    Number of bytes which need to be downloaded starting from the "offset" position before the download will automatically be canceled; use 0 to download without a limit

  • synchronous :: Maybe Bool

    Pass true to return response only after the file download has succeeded, has failed, has been canceled, or a new downloadFile request with different offset/limit parameters was sent; pass false to return file state immediately, just after the download has been started