Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
- data DeleteAccount = DeleteAccount {}
- defaultDeleteAccount :: DeleteAccount
data DeleteAccount Source #
Deletes the account of the current user, deleting all information associated with the user from the server. The phone number of the account can be used to create a new account. Can be called before authorization when the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitPassword. Returns Ok
ToJSON DeleteAccount Source # | |
Defined in TD.Query.DeleteAccount toJSON :: DeleteAccount -> Value # toEncoding :: DeleteAccount -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [DeleteAccount] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [DeleteAccount] -> Encoding # | |
Show DeleteAccount Source # | |
Defined in TD.Query.DeleteAccount showsPrec :: Int -> DeleteAccount -> ShowS # show :: DeleteAccount -> String # showList :: [DeleteAccount] -> ShowS # | |
Eq DeleteAccount Source # | |
Defined in TD.Query.DeleteAccount (==) :: DeleteAccount -> DeleteAccount -> Bool # (/=) :: DeleteAccount -> DeleteAccount -> Bool # | |
ShortShow DeleteAccount Source # | |
Defined in TD.Query.DeleteAccount shortShow :: DeleteAccount -> String Source # |