data Story Source #
Represents a story
Unique story identifier among stories of the given sender
Identifier of the chat that posted the story
Identifier of the sender of the story; may be null if the story is posted on behalf of the sender_chat_id
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the story was published
True, if the story is being sent by the current user
True, if the story is being edited by the current user
True, if the story was edited
True, if the story is saved in the sender's profile and will be available there after expiration
True, if the story is visible only for the current user
True, if the story can be deleted
True, if the story can be edited
True, if the story can be forwarded as a message. Otherwise, screenshots and saving of the story content must be also forbidden
True, if the story can be replied in the chat with the story sender
True, if the story's is_posted_to_chat_page value can be changed
True, if the story statistics are available through getStoryStatistics
True, if interactions with the story can be received through getStoryInteractions
True, if users viewed the story can't be received, because the story has expired more than getOption("story_viewers_expiration_delay") seconds ago
Information about the original story; may be null if the story wasn't reposted
Information about interactions with the story; may be null if the story isn't owned or there were no interactions
Type of the chosen reaction; may be null if none
Privacy rules affecting story visibility; may be approximate for non-owned stories
Content of the story
Clickable areas to be shown on the story content
Caption of the story
Defined in TD.Data.Story
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Story #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Story] #
showsPrec :: Int -> Story -> ShowS #
show :: Story -> String #
showList :: [Story] -> ShowS #
(==) :: Story -> Story -> Bool #
(/=) :: Story -> Story -> Bool #
shortShow :: Story -> String Source #