data ChatPhoto Source #
Describes a chat or user profile photo
Unique photo identifier
Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the photo has been added
Photo minithumbnail; may be null
Available variants of the photo in JPEG format, in different size
A big (up to 1280x1280) animated variant of the photo in MPEG4 format; may be null
A small (160x160) animated variant of the photo in MPEG4 format; may be null even the big animation is available
Sticker-based version of the chat photo; may be null
Defined in TD.Data.ChatPhoto
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ChatPhoto #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ChatPhoto] #
showsPrec :: Int -> ChatPhoto -> ShowS #
show :: ChatPhoto -> String #
showList :: [ChatPhoto] -> ShowS #
(==) :: ChatPhoto -> ChatPhoto -> Bool #
(/=) :: ChatPhoto -> ChatPhoto -> Bool #
shortShow :: ChatPhoto -> String Source #