data BotInfo Source #
Contains information about a bot
The text that is shown on the bot's profile page and is sent together with the link when users share the bot
The text shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty
Photo shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty; may be null
Animation shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty; may be null
Information about a button to show instead of the bot commands menu button; may be null if ordinary bot commands menu must be shown
List of the bot commands
The HTTP link to the privacy policy of the bot. If empty, then privacy command must be used if supported by the bot. If the command isn't supported, then https:telegram.orgprivacy-tpa must be opened
Default administrator rights for adding the bot to basic group and supergroup chats; may be null
Default administrator rights for adding the bot to channels; may be null
Information about the affiliate program of the bot; may be null if none
Default light background color for bot Web Apps; -1 if not specified
Default dark background color for bot Web Apps; -1 if not specified
Default light header color for bot Web Apps; -1 if not specified
Default dark header color for bot Web Apps; -1 if not specified
Parameters of the verification that can be provided by the bot; may be null if none or the current user isn't the owner of the bot
True, if the bot's revenue statistics are available to the current user
True, if the bot can manage emoji status of the current user
True, if the bot has media previews
The internal link, which can be used to edit bot commands; may be null
The internal link, which can be used to edit bot description; may be null
The internal link, which can be used to edit the photo or animation shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty; may be null
The internal link, which can be used to edit bot settings; may be null
Defined in TD.Data.BotInfo
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser BotInfo #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [BotInfo] #
showsPrec :: Int -> BotInfo -> ShowS #
show :: BotInfo -> String #
showList :: [BotInfo] -> ShowS #
(==) :: BotInfo -> BotInfo -> Bool #
(/=) :: BotInfo -> BotInfo -> Bool #
shortShow :: BotInfo -> String Source #